Any body have any recommendations for a good OBGYN in Volusia County? Need immediately! Thank You :)
Shivonne B. replied:
Dr. John Vagovic take pregnancy Medicaid. He is the absolute best. He literally saved myvdaughter and I life. I was a high risk pregnancy. Daytona Beach Women Center 386-274-1005
Dr. Vagovic Daytona Beach Women's Center 386-274-1005. He has been my Dr for over 20 years. Went through many miscarriages while under his care. He sat by me and never left my side each and every time until my hubby could arrive (if he wasn't at the appointment.) After many years we finally had a complete pregnancy. We owe our 16 1/2 year olds life to him! He still calls her his "miracle baby" every 3 months when I am in his office. Staff has become our family. He also delivered one of my grandbabies and cared for my daughter through both of her pregnancies.