Anybody have any thoughts on somebody to work on some outdoor projects for us? Need to have some stairs built from our back door to our back yard. Need a fence (likely metal) put around the pool and need to do some fixing of our privacy fence (rebuild gate in front, possibly tear down some unnecessary fencing in the side yards)
Also if anybody has any leads on some gardeners, we would like to plant some grass (at least in the front yard, maybe the back too... if we can somehow keep the dogs from ruining it) and have a few plants in the back yard that we'd like removed.
Lastly, the pool company I've been using keeps delaying appointments. I call, they say "we'll call when we have an available appointment" then I'm lucky if I don't have to call back a few days later, and I'm even luckier if they don't say the same thing again.... anyone know a cheap, reliable pool service that can ready a salt water pool for summer? This would include checking the filters and cleaning them, cleaning leaves from the bottom of the pool, ridding algae, adding proper chemicals etc.
PM me or reply here w/ any info. Whatever you'd prefer.