Looking for dentist recommendations I've neglected my teeth for a long time due to lack of dental insurance and not being able to afford visits out of pocket. I have some extra money now and would like to get my teeth fixed. I have several cavities, probably need a root canal, and a lot of cosmetic work that needs done. I was wondering if anyone could recommend a good dentist who won't shame me for the state of my teeth. I have been to a dentist years ago who berated me the entire time I was in her chair and it really made me regret going in so I'd like to avoid that kind of situation at all costs. Thank you in advance for any recs!
warbrett replied:
Give Dr. Boehne's office a shot. I've moved around a lot and been to a lot of dentists and they've consistently been one of the least stress inducing offices. Their rates have been reasonable without insurance as well. [https://drboehne.com](https://drboehne.com)