HVAC Recommendations? So, our HVAC unit is about 16 years old and we're shopping for a new one. We've been quoted by one company, Total Air, for $5800 for their lowest tier. I'm assuming this is a pretty average price, but we'd like to get a few more quotes before making a decision. Does anyone have any recommendations?
Edit: thank you all for the recommendations!!
GreatThingsTB replied:
Realtor here. Dyar Maintenance is who I recommend to all of my clients and for my own homes as well. They will give you options and advise on how long the various fixes will last. (727) 698-0031
HVAC Recommendations in Pinellas I need a reliable company to replace my dead HVAC system in Largo. Any recommendations?
GreatThingsTB replied:
Realtor here. I do quite a bit of stuff with A/C for clients... services, evaluations, replacements, quotes, etc. Property managers and general contractors are probably the only ones that have to interact with mechanical contractors... Dyar Maintenance has been the best to work with. Honest and fair assessments of what can and can't be done so as partial replacements and pros/cons of a few different ways of going about fixing the air conditioning. Can't recommend them enough. https://www.facebook.com/dyarmaintenance/
Recommendation for an A/C contractor Apparently I need a whole new system in my house. Obviously I'm concerned about price but am mostly concerned with a quality installation by an experienced crew. If anyone has a recommendation they can offer based on experience I would appreciate it.
GreatThingsTB replied:
Realtor here. Dyar Maintenance does great work. I've had them work on my house, my client's homes, and have had them give opinions on homes under contract for buying. They are fair and do not necessarily default to "replace". They give an honest assessment of the system as well as feasible options for good use of the unit, such as recharging, repair, replace single, or replace both condenser and air handler. Tell them Kyle referred you! **https://www.facebook.com/dyarmaintenance/**