Best Chiropractic office in Sonoma County for those looking to be healthy and active for their entire life. Dr. Grund specializes in getting your body functioning the way it was designed so you can live the life you desire. Provides care for infants, toddlers, teens, athletes, adults, elders and rock stars!
I'm looking for a Pain Management Specialist, preferably North Bay... Any suggestions? No more Cortisone injections and no more meds that start with Oxy- !
Joanna C. replied:
I had shoulder surgery too. I have a great chiropractor whose practice is focused in the health of nerves that start in the neck. He has been great. Tim Grund 707-575-5577. Hr is in Santa Rosa. Gary swears by his inversion table. He had nerve damage in his neck and several shots, procedures, etc. now he is on the inversion table 20 minutes a day and his neck is fine. Let me know if you want to chat.