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New Tampa Smiles

  • Dr. Jean-Paul Taveras
  • 15 mile service radius
  • newtampasmile.com/
    • Cosmetic Dentist,
    • Dentist

Recommendations & Reviews

  • 18043 Highwoods Preserve Pkwy
    Tampa, FL 33647 (map)

About us

Are you looking for a new dentist in Tampa, FL? Here at New Tampa Smiles, we provide dental services like preventive, cosmetic, comfort, and restorative dentistry. Also, provide treatments like endodontics, periodontics, dental implants, and oral cancer screening. Our emergency dentist near you, Dr. Jean-Paul Taveras, is certified in Dental Surgery degree and obtains the Doctorate of Dental Medicine Degree to provide his treatment with care and quality for the betterment of the patients.

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  • Cosmetic Dentistx
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