Looking for a cat groomer somewhere in the east end. [This fluffy beast needs some trimming](https://imgur.com/MNKcqGa) and I'm afraid I'll hurt her.
However finding a cat groomer is either really difficult or I am unable to find/call the places that happen to actually employ one. The nearest to where I live is the Petsmart on Hurstbourne @ 6 mile. I am looking for some options in the Middletown, Lyndon, St. Matthews, J-town areas. I just want options *besides* the one place I have found. Any Ideas? Thanks everybody.
nickiwest replied:
A quick Google of "Louisville pet grooming cat" gives several options. Here are just a few results: * [St. Matthews Animal Clinic](https://www.stmatthewsanimalclinic.co/services/grooming/) * [Ginger's Mobile Pet Grooming](http://gingersmobilepetgrooming.com) * [Kentucky Humane Society](https://www.kyhumane.org/pet-resort/grooming)