I need to find an "investigative" plumber! I'm in Hermitage/Donelson near Summit. Looking for a plumber who can find out if there is a water leak, especially maybe under my house. My water bill has been crazy for about a year, going from a normal $15-30 per month to $55-60 a month. Got the latest bill Sat.---OMG, it was $89!!!! Called Metro twice in the past year, they only check at the meter. Said no problem there. I've tried the food coloring commode test--no leaks there. Can't find anything outside, but wondering if there is something under the house. I can't keep paying these crazy water bills. Metro did tell me they changed all the water meters out about a year or so ago, so I wonder if I got a defective new meter. But they don't seem to care or want to help at all. In addition to searching for the mystery "leak" or a crazy meter, I also need to have my new garbage disposal installed. I've bought the new one already. Just need it changed out. Sorry for the "book" but thanks for any info!