Any fellow facebookers no of any good reliable mechanic shops from Eugene to Roseburg that are actually really honest and aren't going to charge an arm and a leg just to pop the hood and tell me what my two vehicles (05 Chevy blazer&04 Chevy Silverado) need done to be in tip top running shape or how much a tune up ect...would be. Money is tight I am out of work on short term disability from an injury don't know when I'll be returning to work and we have a family of 3 kids and baby on the way in December and while we have a chance to have the extra money around before our baby comes I'd like to make sure we both have reliable vehicles as we live in drain and any "city" is 35-45mins away I'd like to know my family will always have a reliable vehicle on hand and not have to worry about anything or a problem getting worse to the point one of our vehicles becomes a big useless pile of scrap metal that we still have to pay on. So please if anybody knows of a real great place that won't be shady and write a list of stuff up that "needs" to be done then charge a whole paycheck for a quote or the work. Just a family looking for an honest means of help thank you all kindly.