Konicki Schumacher Chiropractic is a family practice, caring for infants from the beginning of life to adults well into their 90's. The clinic's emphasis is directed to orthopedic conditions, treating your spine, joints, muscles and nerves with manipulation, physical therapy and rehabilitation exercise. The doctors know when traditional medical care is required and refer to the appropriate specialists.
Anyone in the Dayton area have any chiropractor suggestions? Linds is experiencing a lot of back pain and we give up on the PT.. :( the girl has a pretty high pain tolerance but she's pretty miserable...
Lisa S. replied:
We have all gone to Dr. Konicki for years! He is great and has worked wonders with Brent and Monika. He is great about letting you know if he can really help or what other kinds of treatment or tests to pursue. He is by the mall across from Fridays and his number is 937-439-5400.
I have a mom who brought her 2 kids in and now the dad needs proof that chiropractic does not cause arthritis. Does anyone know of studies that show this? My explanation was not "good enough" for him. I have pointed them to ICPA's website and research they have listed. Thank you
Rob S. replied:
show him this... http://www.kschiro.com/.../New.../crackingJointArthritis.htm