Hi all, I'm looking for a great supportive mothers group on the Sunshine Coast i'd prefer close to burnside if possible. I have twin 5.5yr old boys and 1.5yr old boy. Does anyone have any recommendations please? TIA :-)
Ursula S. replied:
MOPS (mothers of pre-schoolers) at Lifepointe Baptist Church https://m.facebook.com/LifepointeBCMOPS
Reader question: We are moving to Buderim and Little Miss 2 needs some interaction with other toddlers. Can anyone recommend playgroups, or good childcare facilities in the area?
Lifepointe M. replied:
Here's a link to the Lifepointe MOPS (Mothers of PreSchoolers) facebook page... https://www.facebook.com/LifepointeBCMOPS and to the Lambs at Play FB page also, referred to by Sarah above ... https://www.facebook.com/pages/Lambs-at-Play/158237924215873?fref=pb
Sarah T. replied:
We have a MOPS group meeting every fortnight on a Friday. Its mums time out while the kids get cared for. A great way to meet others and form great friendships. Go to our facebook page Lifepointe MOPS for more details. Or if you like playgroup we also have groups meeting Mon, Tues and Wed morns, look at Lambs at play. I'm also happy for you to pm me for further details
Can anyone suggest where I can purchase some unique wine glass charms?
Sarah T. replied:
We have some wonderful handmade ones for sale! 4 for $5. All monies raised go to support Lifepointe MOPS. I will see if I can get some photos up for you, but won't be until late this arvo. https://www.facebook.com/LifepointeBCMOPS