We are desperately looking for a licensed Electrician in Ga to rewire the entire farmhouse...that is the only way we will be able to get up and running. The 2 quotes we have already received are way beyond anything we can afford and we are running out of options. We may have to just shut the rescue down if we cant get the electrical work down...if anyone has any ideas or knows anyone...please we need the help, we also need a plumber to redo bathroom plumping. I know this is not the place to ask but like I said, we are getting desperate and want to be able to continue to dog rescue and do what we do best. This has been a very hard road the last few months brought on by a few haters. We are tough and will get through it, but we need help!! Any ideas would be greatly appreciated, any help would be a godsend. We can't give up..there are too many dogs counting on us to save their lives.