Loose Screw Tattoo is one of Richmond, Virginia's best custom tattoo studios. Located in Carytown, it was conceived in May 2011 by internationally recognized tattoo artist Jesse Smith. His goal has always been to provide each and every client with a clean, friendly and comfortable environment, while simultaneously providing the highest quality tattoos. The award winning custom tattoo artists at Loose Screw tattoo have been featured in over 100 national and international magazines and share a cumulative working experience of over 70 years.
Tattoo Parlor Recommendation Looking to get some traditional style work done in the city. Anyone have any recommendations or personal experience with any of the local shops?
AsssYouuuWish replied:
Old Soul Tattoo, Joseph and Jenna there are amazing. Tell them Jacob sent you if you end up going. http://www.oldsoultattoova.com/ https://www.facebook.com/oldsoultattoova/ I just got a leg piece there last Friday, and it came out awesome. Here's a snapshot for you: http://imgur.com/a/HqdjH Spez: for other options, check out popular stores like Hold It Down: http://holditdowntattoo.com/home.html Loose Screw: http://loosescrewtattoo.com/ Salvation: https://www.salvationgallery.com/ Everyone's got a preference, find an artist you like and go for it!
Help finding amazing color artists on the east coast. Hi all, I tried posting once before with no luck about a month ago, but I figured I'd give it another shot.
I'm a huge fan of color work from people like: [Nikko Hurtado](http://www.blackanchorcollective.com/nikko-hurtado-gallery/wx259lsn4fyiwu7dx6vhl6dwh2uqa9), [Jamie Schene](http://www.blackanchorcollective.com/jaime-schene-gallery/u2xwuplzy4f6rdy18g77vf8ph73dki), [Mike DeVries](http://www.mdtattoos.com/tattoos/misc_tattoos/tattoos_75951.html), [Mike DeMasi](http://www.mikedemasi.com/tattoos/tattoos_49731.html), [Stefano](http://www.stefanoalcantara.com/tattoos/tattoos_75275.html), etc.
Can anyone recommend some amazing artists for this kind of work in the NC area?
I'm near Charlotte, but anywhere I could drive to and back from would be killer. I've got friends in Philly and Boston if you have recommendations for there or anywhere else on the east coats I'd appreciate the suggestions.
Thanks for any help!
crossbuck replied:
Check out Loose Screw Tattoo in Richmond, VA. Lots of amazing artists, mostly full color. http://loosescrewtattoo.com/