From our inbox:
"I had a emergency c- section with my son at 38 weeks. I was induced due to high protein in my urine, leading to pre-eclampsia. My blood pressure and everything was normal the entire time I was in the hospital. Long story short after 36 hours, my cervix had swelled and i had only reached 9.5 dilation. They tried to assist during pushing and my sons heart rate was dropping severely. They let me take a break and then tried one more time but it was off to emergency c section. Itwas the most traumatic experience. Now my son will be 2 next week and my husband and I are wanting to start trying for baby #2 in a month or so. I have been reading scary things on Google, totally scaring me about getting pregnant. Things such as c section scar pregnancy and all of the placenta issues. Does anyone have any recommendations or is there any sort of screening my Dr can do before we start trying to make sure everything is okay in there? I will wait if there is something I can do to help my chances of having a safe and healthy pregnancy. I had a "presumed ectopic" ( treated with methotrexate) and a miscarriage before it took 9 months to get pregnant with my son. He is completely healthy though and I had a great pregnancy until the pre-eclampsia diagnosis at my 38 week appt. The surgeon told me right after my c section I should be able to have a vbac and it's definitely something I want to do! Just looking for some support and information. Thank you so much!"