Looking for a reputable landscaper to plant a few good sized arborviates .. Have been using a well known company but their prices have become simply outrageous. Thanks.
Deanna R. replied:
Terrrascape's number is 859-743-7108.
Leanne L. replied:
John at TerrraScapes number is 859-743-7108, www.terrascapeslandscaping.com
I am going to be looking for a company or person to build a large deck for us this summer. I need someone with a lot of deck building experience, so they can help us with the layout. If anyone can recommend someone, please give me a shout! Thx!
Deanna R. replied:
His # is 859-743-7108. The company is Terrascapes, INC and it is owned by John Mulligan. He has some examples of the hardscapes that he has done online. He draws up designs for you.