Need a good dentist (that is on Delta Dental of MO)...any suggestions?!?! Will NEVER go back to Troy Family Dental...Brenna went in to have under her tongue clipped (3 of the girls are "tongue-tied" but she's the only one who has speech issues due to it) but they did the wrong procedure and cut between top gum and top they're saying she needed that too (their notes don't specify only said frenectomy which could be either)...funny they never mentioned that she needed that and had her stick her tongue out to show me what they were talking about when they brought up frenectomy!! I hate the dentist and have for years, it took me a year after them recommending this to schedule it cause I was worried about the pain & how Bren would react & then they screw it up but want to say they didn't...keep in mind they didn't screw up but we aren't being charged for what they did do....