Sioux Falls friends: Our good friends are looking for an AMAZING, yet affordable daycare on the west side. Any recommendations? The child would require an infant spot.
Stephanie W. replied:
Brandi, join the Sioux Empire Professional Childcare Provider group. They can post there, as well as see profiles of registered (keyword: registered) providers. Don't confuse this group with the Sioux Falls Childcare and Babysitting group. The people there are mostly babysitters and NOT regulated by the city or state. Also, try the 211 Helpline and
Looking for reliable in home or center daycare for 2 year old.
Aprox 3 days a week?
Any leads or info would be awesome!
Sarah B. replied: or call 211 for listings of providers.
Can anyone recommend daycares? Must be open by 6:30am and have 3 part time openings! Yes, it is an impossible search....Anyone know of something that might fit our needs?
Sarah B. replied:
I'm a provider but am not in your area and am full anyway. I always recommend calling 211 and/or visiting to get a list of providers.