Looking for realtor I thought it would be pretty easy- look online and pick someone in the area, but I’m really second guessing myself.
Can anyone recommend a realtor for the PDX+ area? Looking to purchase. I have a low budget, and feel left behind.
TeddyDaBear replied:
I used David Axness (http://www.axnessandkofman.com/) for my house and my parents used him for theirs.
any recommendations for a good real estate agent in Portland? Someone who doesn't mind working over internet or phone with a couple out of state and is helpful and informative for first time buyers?
Charlotte C. replied:
Ryan Kofman, Broker Axness & Kofman Real Estate at Giardina Realty, LLC 503.523.2477 Office 503.975.9390 Cell 503.328.7004 Fax www.axnessandkofman.com