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A Legal Hand

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  • San Antonio, TX 23608 (map)

2 recommendations and reviews from 2 people

  • WhoDoYou Review from January 09, 2018
    I (Allen, the friend mentioned in the review) am posting this for Dany who used their services. Linda at A Legal Hand was a blessing to us and saved us a lot of money. I found Linda by a referral from a friend. I needed to get a divorce and custody of my son whose safety was at risk. I called many attorneys and law offices and was quoted prices starting at $3,500 with most stating it would easily run $5,000 plus to take my case. I could not afford this. I learned that you could do your own divorce which would save you a lot of money, but your paperwork must be correct/perfect to get your case past the reviewing office and in front of a judge. Well, I am no legal expert. I am just a man who loves his son and needed help to get ourselves out of a bad and growing desperate situation. I contacted Linda who was kind and understanding. I had a friend and my son with me when I met with her to go over our challenges and needs. She made it clear that she was not an attorney and that she could not give legal advice. She explained what she could do and that while some of the things I wanted done were not standards in a divorce, that she would do her best to accommodate the wording as I requested. I was still unsure myself, but my friend convinced me that she was the one to best handle writing my divorce decree. It was important for me to have my soon to be ex-wife agree to the terms and sign a waiver so that a long and costly battle in court would not pursue. Linda understood this and even met with all of us to get the wording done in an acceptable way as to avoid an uncontested divorce. Linda’s compassion for my circumstances and her dedication to my cause was an unexpected and welcome blessing. I trusted her to handle the wording of the paperwork to fit my needs and those of the reviewing office at the courthouse. I filed the paperwork at the courthouse, paid the fees and they sent me to the reviewing office. There I learned that it would be 6 to 9 months before I could be in front of a judge and get my divorce. Their reason was that they needed to review the paperwork to see if the legal wording was correct since it was not being handled by a lawyer and that they had so many cases for their small team to handle that it would be about 6 months before they could review it. If upon their review they found something that needed to be changed, we would have to make the changes including redoing the paperwork and then getting reviewed again before getting on the court roster. This also meant that if something needed to be changed, then the already signed waiver would be void, and my soon to be ex could argue for any or all of it to be changed. This was unacceptable to me as the ex could then change her mind about anything and we would have to start all over again. The safety of my child was at stake and I could not accept these delays. The alternative they suggested was for me to hire a lawyer who would represent me ensuring that the legal jargon was fitting to the courts needs. This is where I had begun and couldn’t afford. The argument made by the newly contacted attorneys is that they would have to rewrite the divorce decree under their name because they were representing its content. This again meant starting over. My friend reassured me that Linda’s paperwork was strong and should pass without criticism. So, we began looking for a lawyer who would review my paperwork, accept it “as is” ensuring no possible changes to it by the soon to be ex. We found one at a very discounted price, since after they reviewed the paperwork, all they had to do was walk me into court. We contracted them to represent me in court. Two months after I filed the paperwork on my own, without a lawyer, now represented by an attorney who reviewed the paperwork and agreed that no changes to it were necessary, I was divorced. Linda’s paperwork was awesome! Thank you, Linda, for your patience, attention to detail, and your devotion to help others from for those of us who so desperately need you.
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  • Referral from January 27, 2014
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