Low cost clinic? Howdy y’all! I am looking for someplace that can remove an abscess. It is just a lump at the moment, (it’s not red or hurtful and no streaks so it’s not septic or anything). I have had one before, but it kinda just went away on its own. This one hasn’t seemed to get any smaller.
I don’t have insurance because it was tied to my job and I work in the live events industry, so that hasn’t quite recovered as much to be put back on payroll.
Does anyone know where I can go to get an abscess lanced/ drained for someone with no insurance? TX medclinic costs 250$ just to walk in the door so I’m worried that’ll end up being a few thousand.
Any other suggestions? Thanks guys!
Edit: thank you guys! There have been lots of helpful links and information posted! I’m glad I made a post bc I never would have known about them otherwise! Thanks again
mydogsnameisbuddy replied:
Idk if this will help you but I found a website that will help you shop online for healthcare. It’s called [MD Save ](https://www.mdsave.com). Good luck!
If anyone has a suggestion for a good chiropractor in Nashville, I would love to know!!! I desperately need to find one ASAP:)
Chad B. replied:
There are several on MDSave.com. MDSave is a nationwide healthcare website that allows you to shop, compare and pay upfront for medical procedures. You save by paying upfront.