LOOKING FOR RECOMMENDATIONS: Funny I should be asking this question considering I was recommended so many times for the same question, but I am in the need of day time dog assistance and I'm looking for recommendations on a dog walker, but one who is strong as with my dog it's less about walking, and more about lifting. Some one with say a Vet Tech background would be perfect for this. I am out of the house during the day and need to find more of a care giver for my dog to help my own mother who's visiting help my greyhound outside during the day. Most of you know my Morty the greyhound, recently had an amputation to remove bone cancer and shortly afterwards has just experienced what is a "stroke like injury to the spine" which can happen after a major surgery. Temporarily his only back leg is slightly paralyzed, but he will bounce back it's just a very slow recovery. So I'm in the need someone who can come to the house and lift him from his bed (he will stand with some assistance) and get him out for about 5-10mins a day so he can get fresh air and use the bathroom and a few squatting exercises/stretches. The hardest part in all of this is that he is heavy. My mother is visiting and is here for all the other day time care, but she too is recovering from a back injury so she cannot lift him. If you can refer anyone to me I would greatly appreciate it!! Or please share in your network to help me find the right person. Thanks!!