Does anybody know a good web-designer that can update my website? I need to start from scratch before I lose my domain, and I have absolutely no web design chops. Any referrals would be appreciated. :)
Zach S. replied:
We all love our web people don't we? How do they do that? In my case I have a company ecommerce website with thousands of recodings available for download. Steve Biggs created a platform for me to upload edited and compressed audio flies on the back-end and customers buy on the front end.
Can anyone recommend a company other than Disc Makers/Oasis that manufactures CDs? The CDs have consistently been good (no unplayables) but I'm tired of the cheap-looking packaging which has only gotten worse.
Zach S. replied:
If you ever start contracting out the separate production elements I could handle the duplication (or download service) for you.