Looking for a new pediatric allergist. My son has food allergies. Willing to travel to NYC if worth it. Any recommendations?
Allison I. replied:
They are both good; so is Dr. Helen Skolnick, the advisor to this support group ( www.princetonallergy.com ); we also see one at Mt Sinai in NY (Nowak).
Need some suggestions for an pediatric allergist. I'm so frustrated with CHOP!!
Leah K. replied:
Dr scholnick. 609 888 1555. She's located in the complex across from Hamilton police dept. my daughter Riley goes there and I'm happy with her. Good luck!
OK, so DJ's doc is out. lol I've never been to this group but a lot of the Princeton area food allergy people swear by them: http://www.princetonallergy.com/staff.php They do all allergies, not just food.