To all of my Colorado friends out there. I am searching for assistance for a friend. Her mother needs a very aggressive and good divorce attorney. The husband is going to jail for Domestic Violence and his umpteenth DUI and for threatening to shoot her in the head. But since screwed up Colorado laws make this a no fault state, he is fighting to take as much as he can from her for trying to divorce him.
Most of you know my stance on ANYONE who raises a hand against a woman or abuses her in ANY way. If I were there when this happened, this probably would not be an issue right now. So since this is a friend, I take it very personally. Please let me know of the best attorney you can recommend to go after this pathetic excuse of a human being and help my friend's mother. And due to the situation, no they can not afford a Robert Shapiro. Looking for a great attorney who really cares about people and justice.
Thanks in advance!