Anybody that works for the STATE .. Know where I can obtain info on how our health insurance will be changing ...?? IM HEARING HORROR STORIES..?? This aggravates me to no end .. I NEED MEDICAID!!!!!
Mamie M. replied:
It's all on page under the link 2014 annual enrollment guide
Mamie M. replied:
Toni it's all on the page it's not all that big of a change . I'm sticking with the HMO plan . Only thing it didn't show was the cost . But I was told it's an increase but not a lot .. Go on the page & look or i can post it all here if u want me 2 .. They have the HMO with basically the same deductibles . Then the PPO that's 90/10 with a lot of changes . Then this off the wall coverage that's 80/20 with a lot of changes