Does anyone know of a primary school where children with a slight learning dissability can go......close to Kempton Park?.
Our grandson has been attending Laerskool Edleen (Grade 2) and although he has passed all previous terms, unfortunately failed Afrikaans this term and thus failed the year.
He has been at an occupational therapist for a few years now, also goes to BioLink, has been assessed by a neurologist and placed on Concerta, has been assessed by school psychologists and has been told his IQ is too high for a "special" school.
We feel that the teachers do not have the patience with kids who are a slight bit slower as the class groups are too big. We are desperate as we have not been left with much time in this year to get him into a school where he will recieve the necessary attention.
If there is anyone out there who has experienced this kind of issue, please any advice will be appreciated.