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Santa Clarita Plumbing Service Pros

  • Mark Leung
  • MarkJLeung22@plumberinsantaclarita....

Recommendations & Reviews

  • 18565 Soledad Canyon Rd #219
    Canyon Country, CA 91351 (map)

About us

In Santa Clarita there's just one place for you to go for affordable and reliable plumbing service. Our honest, reliable and knowledgeable plumbers at Santa Clarita Plumbing Service Pros are the only emergency plumbers in the area. They are trained to handle any plumbing service that needs to be taken care of. We show up right on time and in under 60 minutes. We can take care of any plumbing task that your Santa Clarita home needs. We can do electronic leak detection to find hidden leaks and drain cleaning to unclog drains. We can also do sewer line repair and hot water heater repair. Call us today!

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  • Contractorx
  • Drain cleaningx
  • Leak detectionx
  • Plumberx
  • Plumbing servicex
  • Water Heater Servicex

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