Dragon Design was created by director Tanya Williams in 2010 to allow graphic design to come to the client... joining individuals, companies and existing marketing teams to create fantastic design with a joint creative process...
At Dragon Design we work with our clients to produce dynamic design and creative marketing, with branding, publicity materials, promotion, displays, presentations, multi-media production, web design and much much more....
GOOD MORNING! 1st task of the day - Look for a local graphic designer to help us out with our branding ...... Does anyone have any recommendations?
Dragon D. replied:
Hi Swellies Cafe. Thank you for the recommendation Kerry Hunter. This is our business page https://www.facebook.com/DragonDesignWales please give us a shout if you would like some more info. 01286 650848 or info@dragondesignwales.com
Kerry H. replied:
Dragon designs, is the company if u need phone numbers just let me know
Does anyone know of any branding/marketing companies (not PR) that either specialise in outdoor ed or have done work for outdoor ed businesses - thanks in advance