We just found out our daughter (almost 9 years old) has her first cavity that will need to be filled. She’s been through quite a lot medically and tends to become combative and extremely agitated when presented with anything related to needles (finger pricks, vaccines, IVs, etc.). She is aware that there is a shot involved and is anxious about the procedure.
We’ve been discussing what will happen, but she doesn’t reason very well when it comes to stuff like this. I don’t expect the nitrous oxide to help very much. Compounding the issue is that she also doesn’t respond to medications like Valium the way you’d expect (she doesn’t have much of a reaction at all).
Are there any other options out there aside from holding her down and giving her a lifelong fear of the dentist? Are there pediatric dentists in the Greenville area who might have experience with special needs children? I’m anxious now too, but we must get it filled as soon as possible.
Thanks in advance for any advice or guidance. — looking for recommendations.