I need some serious help, everyone. Over the last YEAR I have had two, count them, two doctors leave their practices to go on to other endeavors in their lives. I'm assuming due to certain new medical laws that have been put in place by our lovely administration. Anyway, the last family doctor I had referred me to the other doctor in his office and I absolutely despise this woman. I am in desperate need of a family/general practicioner in the Brownsburg, Avon, anywhere near here area. I'm totally willing to travel for a good doctor. I am at the point of throwing my computer out the window. Oh, and just for shiggles, this new doctor CANNOT be part of American Health Network. I kind of told one of their doctors off and I've been banned. I have since learned from that little incident, btw. I'm working on buying a new filter from Lowe's that will fit between my brain and mouth. Anyway, if anyone can help me find a doctor, I will forever be in your debt! Thanks! Karen