ISO: ROOFING and RENOVATION contractors.
Hey there everyone!
I am posting on behalf of my husband.
We are looking for reputable and local businesses that specialize in roofing (tear off, replace, patchwork), as well as renovating (painting, flooring, drywall, outside decks, etc)
All businesses must be licensed and insured.
Currently, though he owns a contracting business in his name, the husband is working for a big name roofing company as a senior claims manager. Essentially he is the guy that goes out and FINDS these jobs and sets everything up. He meets with adjusters, homeowners, and nails down the potential job. Then his company subcontracts the jobs out to companies that specialize in roofing, renovation, etc (depending on the job)
He is looking to branch out on his own, and work first hand with roofing and renovation companies, in nailing down jobs for them, after sitting down with business owners/managers and determining on an agreed % that will be paid to him in exchange the company being handed the job.
If anyone has any companies they would recommend, or if anyone is a business owner of one of these companies theirselves, and are interested in working together with my husband in order to get more jobs coming their way, especially with roofing,
Please give me some information so that he can be in touch.
Business names, contact names, addresses and/or phone numbers are all appreciated greatly! :)