Where can I buy plants during quarantine? Hello everyone,
So now that I'm stuck all day at home I've been planting a bunch of stuff from seeds (let's see if anything grows!) but I'd love to get a couple of other decorative plants, especially trailing plants
Does anyone know where I can still buy some? Online or in shops? (I hope all the nice little plant shops make it through the quarantine :/)
Oh also preferably they shouldn't be too expensive, I don't have the budget to spend 40 bucks on a Monstera :(
I already checked a couple of grocery stores (Tesco, Sainsburys, Wilko, Lidl) for plants but they mostly have cactii or succulents, and I already have a couple of those.
Any help would be appreciated!
moonflower replied:
[crocus](https://www.crocus.co.uk/) have a huge selection - I've used them a few times and they are good quality - some of the plants are expensive but you can browse around and find little plants on sale etc
Mail order plant store Can anyone recommend a good mail-order plant store. Obviously can't get to the garden centre at the moment. I was looking at redoing my borders and getting plants and bulbs but not sure where to get them from.
I had a look on Amazon but all the things I looked at were very expensive.
cheezitsforeveryone replied:
I recently bought some crocosmia lucifer bulbs on the [RHS website ](https://www.rhsplants.co.uk/), and I’ve also seen a lot of options on [Crocus](https://www.crocus.co.uk/). You could also call your local plant nursery and ask if they do delivery, which could be particularly helpful if you need a lot of potting soil.
sus_skrofa replied:
Crocus are good for plants. But I have just ordered loads of seeds from Chiltern Seeds.
Hi all, I'm not much of a gardener but I'm wanting to create a country garden. Can anyone recommend flowers, shrubs etc that are safe to have with children and pets. I have a 2 and 8 year old and a dog. Any help is much appreciated, thanks.
Rachel S. replied:
Roses definitely!! Lavendar also great and this year I have added lupins to try as my delphiniums keep being attacked by slugs! You could try one of those boxes of mixed seeds and just scatter it in and see what grows! Nepeta (cat mint) is lovely but m ight not be so good if you have cats as they love the smell and roll in it. You could put forget-me-nots and erigeron (daisy) in tucked away edges and corners as they take care of themselves! How about some obelisks in the beds with clematis up them (remember to plant them deep and put stones around base). Def hardy geraniums, try oxonianum wargrave pink...but lots more on Crocus.co.uk , I was looking on there last night.