Fitness Works offers Yoga classes plus a bevy of other classes. Check out the schedule & get a free pass at Located at Higley & Baseline. Melissa Gelotte is the General Manager. She can help you out!
Jackie C. replied:
Yes - it's called Bodyflow. It's yoga & Pilates. Check out the schedule here
Andrea G. replied:
Theres no yoga class at Fitness Works? Jackie Klingberg Clar
Patti H. replied:
Body flow is not yoga for those that are use to and desire a real yoga class. I'm a member of fitness works and love it and the variety of classes. But the body flow is not a yoga class. It's the only class I'm not a fan of.
Greta H. replied:
I instruct BodyFlow at Fitness Works. This class is a fusion of Tai Chi/Yoga/Pilates. The goal in this class is to improve flexibility, stability, mobility, balance, strength, posture and presence. The pace is slow enough so that each individual can explore the range of motion they have that day... Discomfort is to be expected, as growth doesn't happen without it, but through consistency and time, you find that your ability and confidence becomes more...while enhancing your knowledge of self. There are many types of yoga. The main difference in my class is that instructors teach by example, where participants mirror them. The instructor corrects form through verbal cues, not physically adjusting form while walking amongst participants. The other difference is that some of the poses are not held for long, extended periods of time which allows for greater variety. Each instructor has as different teaching style with varied music & music tastes. I encourage everyone to try different teachers. The instructors are there to help & offer options for beginners or advanced participants. At Fitness Works, there are unlimited classes of many types, so you you can explore opportunities you may never had thought to try. I teach at at the Chandler location on Friday at 9 am, but we have many talented and encouraging teachers here to help you reach your goals. Whatever you decide, wherever you end up, commit to consistency. 3 x a week is ideal for the best results.