PLEASE HELP!!! Is there a place that does animal cremations and euthanize at a low rate? I have a 70 pound fur baby that has had a seizure one of many in his 9 years while I was shaving him down for the summer months .... he has now lost his back legs and can not get up to even go to the bathroom, and is doing it where he lays... i have called all of my local veterinarians locally and none will work with me. I am not looking for hand outs, but looking for a vet out there that will help him cross over and cremate so he can come back home and let me make payments, i swear i will pay . .. I am devastated beyond words he is such a good baby seeing him like this is killing my heart, i have cried a million tears .... i am on SSI and live from month to month with 3 grandchildren i am raising ....I am at a loss right now. I have tried everything that the vets have told me to do i have to drop water in his mouth by wringing a towel ..... i spoke to one vet and they said he needs to be put to sleep that there was no hope.... any direction will help that you can give. Thank you in advance