Looking for suggestions on where to board my 2 TBs in the Augusta, GA area- any suggestions? Requirements are grass turnout, preferably not in large groups (3-4 is okay), riding space, preferably with lights, especially if pretty far out (full time job, so riding for 3-4 months of the year kind of requires lights), and space to get a 3H trailer in/out and park. Strongly prefer space for conditioning work and some stadium fences or ability to move mine from home (currently competing Traning level eventing).
Good care a must of course- knowledgeable barn people, capable of catching minor lamenesses, missing shoes, etc. before they become big issues! Have visited a couple barns in the area and have a few more on the list, but boarding in Augusta is hard to find! Would love to find something with the option to live on or very near the property; willing to help with barn chores/maintenance when not at work, especially if may help reduce cost. Fairly low budget with two horses unfortunately. Trying to find something closer than Aiken or Thomson, but I know what I'm looking for will be easier to find in those areas! Anyone else in the Augusta area want to help me out?