Vocabulary ^나비^
정원 = garden
새끼 = baby animals
어미 = mother for animals
반값 = half price
승패 = victory/defeat (outcome)
개별 = individual/ly
건축 = architecture
건축가 = architect
강가 = area around the river
막내 = youngest person in the family
마법사 = witch
동굴 = cave
보석 = treasure (rubies and diamonds)
수레 = cart
태풍 = typhoon
박람회 = a fair/exhibition
호수 = lake
호숫가 = area around the lake
구입하다 = purchase
교환하다 = exchange
면담하다 = face to face talk
미루다 = delay
안다 = hug
달콤하다 = sweet (in a cute way)
창피하다 = ashamed
급하다 = urgent
Adverbs and Other Words:
미리 = in advance/beforehand
일대일(로) = one on one
정기적으로 = regularly
급히 = urgently