Our doors are always open to new patients who are ready to receive the best in dental care. With our array of dental services, it’s no surprise we are regularly expanding our family of patients. We are skilled at treating patients from all dental backgrounds and make every effort to ensure your appointment is as comfortable as possible. We provide superior care to get you onto the path of improved dental health.
Does anyone know a cheap dentist? I need to have my wisdom teeth pulled ASAP. They are really painful and crowding my other teeth. I refuse to let my 5 years with braces go to waste.
I need a good Dentist for typical 6/mo cleaning. Can someone recommend one for the USF area?
Deviant1 replied:
We go to [Dr. Lee Daniels in Wesley Chapel](http://www.sevenoaksdental.com/). Best place I've ever gone, because they are friendly and don't try to upsell you. Boyfriend went through several dentists who insisted he needed $900+ more work than what was covered by our dental insurance at the time. Was a bunch of BS.