Anonymous post no. 5330
LADIES I NEED YOUR HELP, or any dr's in the community......I have suffered from back pain and sciatica off and on for 17 years.... Since having my children 4 years ago I've struggled with debilitating pain, and seemingly worse at "that time of the month". I have pain from under left bottom, into hip and groin, down leg, into back of knee and have episodes of been unable to weight bare...... Pain medication does nothing, I've seen about 4 dr's over the years who investigate slightly and give pain medication, I've had ultrasounds and ct of my hip area and spin, showing only slight deterioration of L5 S1, I've been sent for physio 5 times, all to no avail. I've recently had deep tissue massages which helps slightly for about two weeks, but money is the issue there as it is only a short term fix....I'm at my wits end, I'm feeling very down over the pain, and really sick of seeing dr's who no nothing, I need advice, or a direction of whom I can possibly see, I'm only 33....... I'm trying to return to full time work after having children and I'm ending up in pain and in bed after work each night....... I can't go on like this..... Any advice, dr recommendations, I want my life and youth back, I feel like an old women, I walk like one too most days.... I smile and carry on, most don't know how much I suffer everyday.... Pls help me... Thank you