ZEN Milonga http://www.magictango.com/zen-milonga.html
Zen milonga was opened by a team of friends in March 2011 and had to be closed in January 2015 (due to the renovation of the Exhale studio and change of conditions for renting). BIG THANKS from our hearts to everyone who put their energy into supporting the milonga and its smooth flow, both in organizing and dancing.
Right now Milonga Sentimental is hold on the 1st Saturday by Tatiana (MagicTango.com) and a team of friends.
You can find a few selected videos from Zen Milonga at his page and also on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQmIIW6z8k8DjimMiX1_sSL51CdGSewwl
(there are more videos as well if you search "zen milonga vancouver" on youtube)
Have a happy year and see you on the dance floor! <3