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Fitness Synergy

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About us

Thanks for visiting my page :) I have always loved health and fitness from a very young age. I've always been involved in many sports from hockey, basketball, karate & gymnastics to State level athletics. However in my older teenage years I discovered aerobics and the gym, and I fell totally in love with the whole scene! I was a fully blown gym junkie for many years and that amazing feeling you get after training has never left me. Over the years I've had breaks from the gym but I've always maintained an active lifestyle.
2013 saw me make the new year's resolution which I titled "Say Yes", meaning I wanted to set new challenges and goals and do things I had never done before. Having said that, I've done A LOT of things so when I was presented with the opportunity to train with a PT who is a great Figure Comp Prep Coach with the aim of competing on stage in an INBA Figure/Physique comp I said "YES"! This was something I had not previously ever considered so I worked hard in a very short amount of time and by the end of the year I had competed twice and loved the experience!
The feedback I received from family, friends, peers and random people was nothing short of inspiring...it inspired me to seek prove to them that anyone can take on a challenge no matter what size and have a feeling of self achievement and satisfaction.
How was I going to do this? I had messages and phone calls from people asking me how I'd done what I did and how could they achieve their own fitness goals? Whilst I was happy to help and tell them; it was just plain old hard work. What I found many of them were actually seeking was someone to talk to as much as listen to. I'm a good talker but also a great listener...
So, my next challenge for 2014 was set! To validate many of the things I already knew and to learn more I knew it was clear I wanted to undertake study in the field of Fitness through www.fitcollege.edu.au
So, armed with my university trained background in teaching, my love of fitness... show more
and a healthy lifestyle as well as my yearning to help and work with others here I am, a student in an industry that I look forward to embracing and working in at the completion of my course in April 2014.
I hope to work and connect with a range of clients in the future and successfully set them on the path to saying YES, I CAN DO THIS! show more

Recommendations and reviews from 1 person

  • Referral from September 2, 2014
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