Looking for a family law attorney in Montgomery County for a highly contested divorce. Someone reasonably priced who is willing to fight for a Dad and his kids.
Geric T. replied:
I can help. Have the dad visit my website. I’m sure he will like what he sees. Or he can call. 713-432-7884Www.tipswordlaw.com Best of luck
Looking for lawyer in Harris County to represent dad seeking primary custody of his kids (mom lives in another county and has only seen kids for 3 weekends over the past year). Veteran discount appreciated.
Geric T. replied:
Geric Tipsword A veteran who serves veterans at the lowest rate. 281-435-2008Www.tipswordlaw.com
Need a referral for a mediator in family law who is not expensive and can mediate between April 21-25, 2015
Harris County, TX
Geric T. replied:
Kirk, I am available. Email or call and I can let you know my rates. I am fairly certain that my rates are competitive. Thanks Geric L. Tipsword, Esq.The Tipsword Law Firm, P.C. 713.432.7884