says I am interested in acupuncture. Can anyone recommend one in NW DC? Also, how much does it cost? Does it really work for EVERYTHING people say it will? Thanks!
Looking for Acupuncture from a very credible practitioner in NJ - please share your experience as patient My sister has been having debilitating sinus headaches (she would miss 50 out of 180 school days in high school. She's had 2 previous surgeries and has been prescribed so many meds and still has at least 2 debilitating headaches a week. I've heard to try acupuncture and am in nursing school. Ideally, I would love to know of providers that have training in both western and eastern medicine but would like to know some very credible acupuncturists in NJ (she is central NJ)
bluejena replied:
Anyone you find on is going to be great, as well as affordable, being part of the community acupuncture movement. The concept is to bring affordable, accessible acupuncture to folks who need it most. If you want to know more about this kind of thing, feel free to PM me. source: I work for a POCA clinic in a non-acupuncturist role and am an active patient member of POCA.