I really need to take Sylvia to the dentist. Anybody have recommendations from the area? Gerrie Langan Halloran Jeff Davis Denise Collins Brennan Katrina Kreismanis Bresnahan Lisa MacLeod Johnson Kristen Fifer
Katrina B. replied:
https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&client=ms-android-verizon&source=android-browser-type&v=210020311&biw=360&bih=349&q=pediatric+dentist+framingham+ma&oq=pediframingham%2C+ma&gs_l=mobile-gws-serp.1.0.0 i7 l3 j0 i7 i30 l2.9265.13518.0.14979. j13.16.0.les%3Bernk_mobile_unfiltered..0.0...1.1.5.mobile-gws-serp.xsaRgzN4UHE#mldd=6 Or pond st dentists 508 653 2417
Hello all -- I am interested in recommendations for an orthodontic practice that works especially well with younger children and sensory issues. Also, any input offline on Dr. Noxon in Wellesley (who...
Love Drs Kane tessini & saporowski in natick 508.653.2417 not for ortho but am sure they have - they deal w a lot of kids on spectrum - my son included
Hi everyone, My child needs braces. I am concerned about finding an orthodontist who is gentle and patient to work with my child. She has major sensory issues and is anxious and often rigid. I am...
Jennifer, Doctors Kane, Tessini and Saporowski specialize in Special Needs dentistry. I highly recommend them and I would suggest you do a consultation with them when you are narrowing your choices. They have special rooms with one chair that my daughter has used for years. They didn't put braces on my daughter but they do brace, and are often the practice that professional send their patients to. Their number is (508)653-2417, they are in Natick. Kate