I need a dentist referral.. anyone?
I'm looking for someone specific. I would love:
#1 a no-nonsense, utilitarian type of dentist, not a "cosmetic dentist"
#2 one that believes you should keep your own teeth as long as possible
#3 I don't want caps or bridges or implants ( see #2 )
#4 do not want a periodontal scrape first, I want the cavities filled
#5 I would like to slowly over time ( years if necessary ), get the work done and prefer to get all the metal fillings out of my mouth eventually ( full-damn )
This sounds like im being picky or high maintenance... im not. I'm just simply not interested in the "cosmetic" dentistry that most dentist have gone too.. I care less about my perfect smile and more about the ability to chew stuff. :)