Does anyone by chance know a good place I could obtain a holiday loan? Like a credit union or something where you don't have to be a member for six months before applying for anything? We're sadly in a major jam and of course it would have to occur days before Christmas. Due to a couple extra higher bills this month and my not being able to get a job before the holiday, my mother and I are out of money, we maybe have five dollars between the two of us. That means no gifts which is disappointing and sad but … you know, we can suck it up about that. However, it also means I have no clue how we are going to eat for the rest of the month, or for the rest of the week for that matter. We've tried for help but we've been told that my mom's income is about $30 higher than the cutoff point for help. There is no family that has any extra money to spare so does anyone have any suggestions?