Hi Everyone! I just moved to the area and am excited to start gardening. However, I've lived in the Northeast my whole life and I am very unfamiliar with this climate. Any tips on where to start learning? I would love your recommendations on books/websites/garden centers/etc. Thanks!
Brian T. replied:
There is a gardening website that is based right in SA and read throughout the US! www.plantanswers.com
Barbara L. replied:
www.plantanswers.com has great info for South central Texas gardeners
Liz C. replied:
Jus going to give you a quick list of my favorites.... For sites: http://plants.gardenstylesanantonio.com/find-plant-results/ and https://agrilifeextension.tamu.edu as well as plantanswers.com. For garden centers, just google "local, independent nurseries in San Antonio" you'll see Rainbow Gardens, Milberger's, Fanick's, Shades of Green, The Garden Center, Maldonado Nursery, and more! Have fun and welcome to Texas! Also, the Bexar Counth Master Gardeners, San Antonio Herb Market Association, Gardopia Gardens, Roots of Change, the SA Foodbank, and The Garde Volunteers of South Texas all hold classes (some free & some with a fee) year round, so be sure to check their sites! GVST hosts gardening essential classes every 3rd Monday of the month at The San Antonio Garden Center by the botanical gardens. Sorry that was a lot!
My husband and I just planted a lime tree, Olive Tree, grapefruit tree, fig tree, and blackberries. Does anyone know where I can find some good information on how to care for them?
Ron C. replied:
Brian T. replied:
Ms. April, if you look up plantanswers.com for information concerning the trees you guys purchased, you'll find the answers about proper planting, feeding, pruning and other maintenance for your trees to get the most out of your trees.
Is there a trick to trimming jasmine? My boys have a lawn service in our area and I need to educate them on maintenance. I've never grown it.
Brian T. replied:
Normally spring flowering shrubs are pruned after their flush of blooms. One place to look for most anything related to gardening here in South Texas is www.plantanswers.com
Does anyone here have tips on gardening with gopher problems? We just moved to Bexar county from the Fort Worth area. This is my first time dealing with gophers and gardening in South TX. I have heard that a raised bed with hardware cloth is the best bet. Initially, I really wanted to do a traditional 8'x16' vegetable garden.. However, with the gophers I am a bit worried about going that route. Any advice would be appreciated! Thank you!
Brian T. replied:
Ms. Jennifer, check out www.plantanswers.com , and see what you can find on 4-legged pests!
Looking for suggestions on some talk plants to put in my planters in front is garage. As you can see I have killed what I out last year. I know have all the drippers hooked up so now I need ideas for front patio plants and front of garage. What would you put there??
Brian T. replied:
Michael, I agree with you on this. Have we shared a local website that addresses most everything about gardening here in S.C. Texas, it's www.plantanswers.com . My Mom took my suggestion of using this stuff for their roses in pots. She put a 1/4 of crystals in a 2-cup measuring cup and starting add water (I DID warn her). The crystals started expanding, overflowing the cup and filled the sink and started to overflow the sink when she hollered at my Dad to come help. He shrugged his shoulders and said "Whatta ya want me to do about it???" I prefer to expand a small amount of crystals in a bowl, add some potting soil to the bowl and put that mix toward the bottom of the pot. Set my plant in and water this part in to settle, then finish filling the pot with potting soil and water in.