URGENT! We have an almost emergency situation in Memphis. TN. TLP took Mia, the shepherds case about 10 days ago. We reached out to our usual TN attorney but they are busy on other things and just can't make the time... we reached out to our friends at the ALDF 2x and we reached out to a couple of names that were posted on the Save Mia page.
As most of you know, TLP is only licensed in NY. We always count on local attorney so that we can help a dog in need. The local attorney doesn't need to know anything about dog law. We will walk the attorney through every step and send them paperwork on previous cases. We make it as easy as possible for them.
We can not find anyone to help Mia and her court date is next week.
If anyone knows of any attorney who would be willing to help Mia pro bono, please have them contact the Lexus Project @ thelexusproject@optonline.net