Hi everyone.
Just looking for some ideas. My mare has been struggling with fungus on her face for over a year now. After working closely with my amazing vet and our local vet college, it was found that the two species are of the Alternaria and Metarhizium varieties. Both of these fungal varieties are commonly found on hay.
My mare is currently fed in a large ground slow feeder outside and indoors she has a hanging slow feed net. I noticed when she's eating hay inside, she often gets particles from the hay on her forehead when she eats the scraps she dropped under the net. This is how I suspect the fungi are being tranfered from the hay to her face.
My vet suggested feeding dampened hay from the ground. My mare cannot eat hay without a net... we would never be able to keep it in front of her. I'm looking for suggestions on types of either store bought or built in-stall ground slow feeders.
Note: she wears 4 shoes so it needs to be something she can't get her shoes stuck in... because if she can, she will