Looking for recommendations for female Drs. who are particularly helpful in aging/menopausal/thyroid issues? Monroe or Snohomish area only. Thanks! I just moved here and not sure who to go to.
Shelley P. replied:
I don't have info in the specific issues you stated, but hubby & I each go to female docs at Providence clinic in Monroe. 360-794-7994. It is located sort of between Fred Meyer and Lowe's; actually just across the street from Wal-Mart. Husband is 80, with Parkinson's Disease as his main issue. Although he has a specialist for the Parkinson's, his primary doc is Julie Jungels, who sort of has to coordinate the whole she-bang. We love her. I am 64, and technically, Ellen Kim is my primary doc there. I've only had one appt with her, but should have been back long ago. Oops. She has filled in twice with my hubby. Like her lots, too.