This is from Judy Marion Petrungaro post, she was on the board.
About 20 years ago the Wolcott School Board investigated the possibility of annexing with H-F. We gave up the idea because we found out it would be a big fight with S.D. 205 costing hundreds of thousands of $$$$ with no guarantees we would win. This time it is no different and all the $$$$$ must come from individual school $$$$$. If you have ever had any dealings with attorney's you know they are not cheap. For a 2-4 year fight I don't even want to think how much it would cost and like you said you taxes would go up. Plus is the benefit really worth the fight? How much better is H-F? I believe the money would be better spent helping district 205 improve the educational status and help the children there really learn. The teachers there are great. The parents need to be educated as to how important a good education is for their children. Then maybe they can instill that into their children's heads.